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SCP: Broken God Demo takes place in the depths of a facility, deep underground; harbouring creatures, known as SCPs and dangerous experiments. Play as a security guard, Jacob, and find your way out before it's too late.

Get out and uncover what happened to the site. Use guns and melee weapons to fend off enemies, and complete puzzles to progress.

Don't risk anything. Use cameras to see across rooms, and use your map to see where you need to go next. Check your S.A.M.S. device to see your messages and access your inventory. Remember to save! Find save laptops in medical rooms, and use them as much as you need.

This is a demo project. If this project receives positive feedback then we may create a full game with some similar mechanics; but more to do, improved features and lots more to explore.

Any donations go directly to the developers to fund future game development.

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BrokenGod Demo v1.2.4 219 MB

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I was skeptical to try this out at first due to many previous players not having a great time with it, but after 2 playthroughs, I must say it's actually quite decent, you just need to get used to the gameplay and take notice of the surrounding a bit more. I hope that in the full game or next update, sfx and gameplay overall will get better, would be cool if there's music too.


Amazing demo! It was really fun and a lot more then I expected! It was a really fun game but I'm just not a fan of having to run to a specific point to save.


grandma enemy is more harder than the monkeys


Final Rating: 6.5/10 (Full Review At The End Of The Video)

Even with the full review I want to list the bugs I found in this part of the demo as a summary

1. Elevator interaction with body parts and blood is broken completely

2. Blood texture overlays over a enemy if they go through it at any state (Walking or The no legs state)

3. SCP 352 can see you through walls at random times and attack you?

That is all I can think of off top of my head at least. 

But I wanted to talk about the color depth setting. It was a very bad choice to set that at 64. Not only does it make the game look off cause of all the layers of black and gray. It also negatively impacts marketing for this game through youtube and etc.  cause not only does it look off as I said in general, the editor compress it and  after that the youtube compressor completely destroys the visuals. I don't know if it is set to 64 due to performance issues but it shouldn't be hidden so deep in general but rather it should either force the player to set it at the beginning (with gamma too!) or put it in graphics (or do both too i guess). 


This demo is amazing! You did a really good job on it. I was surprised how long it is too. I would love to play a full game if you continue adding to this. Even though it's already longer than a lot of games I usually play haha. Thanks for the fun!


Second Part


Even though this game is in a weird middle of demo and prototype, I'll still give it a review since it's so well made in a lot of sections even if it's inaccurate or incomplete in some other sections. Hm ran into a few bugs where the attack function stopped working. Not sure what caused it either. Also it doesn't exactly make sense to have a health bar if I am just gonna get 1 shot by most things. It was cool that there was so many animations for when I die, like when you get attacked while operating the vehicle. But it is also odd and makes it very confusing to write a review as certain part of the demo are like fully fletched and fully polished ready to be shipped for the full game and certain part of the demo are prototypes or unfinished. Of course this isn't a problem exactly but it feels odd. Anyway moving on from that I'll skip over the reactor room since it feels like a placeholder. While I am talking about this I might as well talk about the models. Most of the models and textures are pretty high quality in my opinion but certain models like surfaces of the pipes or the walls just doesn't match with the environment( also comparing  the boxes with the floor then the walls as a example)Might be a me thing though but it just feels off. Again could be just a disparity between placeholder texture and polished texture. While I am on it the lighting in this game is so good but at the same time it looks very flat in certain rooms or like unrealistic? For example let's compare lighting in 25:09 in the video to 35:34. Feels like a completely different game. Anyway next is the "SCP". I think the room design is pretty good. Looks like a testing room(ignoring the vent as said in review of last part) it is good except there is nothing that resembles SCP which I am gonna talk about next. Nothing in this game feels "SCP". I won't deny the creatures might be SCP and such but this game from the notes to the walls to the equipment. This to me feels like a research/testing lab that is in no way related to the SCP universe. At least I felt 0 connection while playing this demo from start to finish. So calling this game "SCP": Broken God is very misleading.  The best you can call this is "SCP like" . Back to the little alien things, I do think it was a big miss to not have any document about it. Putting so much effort to create the model, animation, rig, AI only for it to be empty cause there is no information presented to the player. It is so close to perfection but it missing the lore behind it. Which again I understand it's not finished but writing a document couldn't have been as hard as coding the entity behavior.  Moving on the pipe area and the puzzle to get a a wrench and wheels around the hallways way was pretty good. Same with the water area or whatever it represents since I can't speak that language that is written on the wall and save with the camera room. I can't think of any complaints for at least this sections of the demo. Very polished and properly paced. 

(2 edits) (+2)(-2)

(Reached Itch.io limit) 

(While writing this it would be pretty funny if the room through the flamethrower room leads to the room with cells because it says "cells" on the entrance only for it to have a open vent but I'm not sure about that. The walls are floors/celling's are reinforced to the core with metal but the doors.

Final things to add is the map is very very useless. Not only for the reason that the demo is linear so you can in fact never get lost. And the second reason is you can't move the map or zoom in or zoom out making it completely useless since you are more likely to figure out the general area by just moving in a random direction.  Also even though I figured out how to access the ammo inventory, I feel like that should be reworked because it's very easy to miss and the game never tells you. Maybe a regular slot inventory or maybe a slider but you can sort through tools,ammo,etc using buttons. That's about it for part 1. (Note: Just realized it's a prototype, not sure why call it a "demo" and make a entire trailer on it . Seriously this is fully polished and voice acted so like I'm surprised it's a protype. I thought this game was gonna release in a few months or something lol.  Probably makes this entire review pretty pointless but I'll post it just in case it helps since i spent like 30 minutes writing this) 


I'll be giving my opinion and review on each part of the gameplay and a final review (probably) on the final part. With this first one I gotta say the demo is pretty polished and well made. The voice acting and the sound design specially. Would be cool to see if the main character responded to things happening in the environment. Other than the ambient noise is very spooky and ngl I wouldn't even call it ambient cause half the time it sounds like it's happening on the other side of the hallway. The scream when that guy was running out of that room was very terrifying too. I got spooked by that even while editing. Now I'll talk about things that could've been done better and just other suggestions. The fact that you added physics in this game means you gotta now commit to it. Imagine a half baked physics engine.  Second is making sure hitting water containers with a axe doesn't produce stone. I mean I am probably the only person to complain about this but it's just a suggestion. Second storytelling is a bit lacking in certain areas. Why is their a giant room with flamethrowers that that is just there behind a regular door

This also brings another topic of how this game feels nothing related to a "SCP" universe in any way but I'll talk about that in-depth on the next part. Next question is how is it that we are working in the 'SCP Foundation' and we are carrying with us a low quality pistol and regular vest. I mean we look like some night guard for some  high school. I mean you can point that we are tasked with like guarding the outer parameters of the foundations like in the surface but we are the one that is tasked with overseeing a maintenance checkup? Also again I am not a mechanic but why is the guy in the beginning wearing constructions clothing and a head light. I mean I don't know the exact year this is set in but no way you are telling me a headlight is more efficient than a flashlight. Did we hire some random guy from the mines to fix the backup generators for the entire facility?  I would like to go more  into the fact that (including the fact that a open vent leads straight into a room with a SCP and the fact that there are so many vents to the freaking reactor room of the facility that you can open using a regular screwdriver but I wouldn't want to get ahead of myself.  We have rooms titled "equipment's" and all you find there and axes?? screwdriver and a gaming PC and a random fire extinguisher in under the table for some reason? The budget of this entire facility makes prisons look expensive. I am surprised this place wasn't shut down by the government due to the amount of breaches this place would have. The medical room looks just like a solidary confinement room or am I crazy. The medical room has lower budget than the medical rooms in a state school. The only thing present in the medical room are tissue papers, a copper coil? and a screwdriver (unless I accidently threw those in there then ignore this part of the criticism) Let's quickly go back to the flamethrower thing. Why does it not work when you don't look at it? One of the reasons it's important to have storytelling about it so it doesn't look like a hurdle made just for the player to overcome. Of course logically it is made for that reason and there is no problem with that but if plot wise the reason it exists is to make it harder for the player then yk what i mean? I mean from the looks of it, It was made to defend against some sort of SCP so maybe add a document about near the table.


The reason the flamethrowers aren't firing is due to an optimization issue.
Meaning they aren't active if they aren't on screen unless you're further in the room.

The reason for their placement is for the cells in there, that holds some of the d-class(reasoning why the one guy runs out burning).
It's not relevant to the story as it is mainly a hint to the player to not go in there(yet).

Reason for the lack of sound effects for various things are due to time constraints.
We had a deadline finish things up before Halloween :p

You'll notice a lot of things, mainly in the inventory system that has some options that may seem useless(and they are in the demo), but has a bigger role in the main game, some which will change drastically.

They simply where left in, as we didn't want to keep taking things in and out, especially as we where getting short on time.
Same with some of the areas.

Hope that cleared some of the bigger questions.
Thanks for playing our demo!


Awesome demo! Thank you to the team who put this game together. I had a lot of fun playing it and can't wait to see more! My favorite part was the forklift, for sure, or maybe chopping down all the monsters with an axe.

For anyone considering to play this game, do it. There's a lot of content here, a cool inventory system, and fun weapons.


I did one part of this and I loved how we play a no name security guard during a breach xD I love how much there is and will be of the game and really want to see how this ends!


For a demo of an indie game, this project has quite a substantial amount of content already, and it's great quality content at that!  Can't wait for the game in its entirety to come out~


This game was super fun and spooky!!! If you're a fan of horror games or games that make you use your noggin, you'll enjoy this ^^. Loves it! <3  

