Version 1.2

Changelog for Version 1.2
(spoiler warning)

We mostly just got bug fixes in this update. Thank you so much for your kind reception so far!
And a huge thanks to the people that reported bugs on our Discord! <3


- Added a max digit amount to keypads

- Selecting windowed mode now correctly sets the window resolution to 800x600px

- Vents now no longer change your crosshair to the screwdriver symbol after they're unscrewed

- Dying from fall damage now properly shows the correct death animation

- Removed the ability to input "+" into keypads

- The crawling zombie death animation now no longer resets after it finished playing 

- Arms now use both hands when reloading in inventory 

- Removed toilet camera downstairs for consistency’s sake

- Collisions for the trays in the upstairs medical room now work properly

- Loading screen scroll direction now go the right way

- Overhaul to the settings menu to make the category buttons look more like buttons rather than icons

- The rotating egg room keypad now properly shows the "locked" texture after bang event

- The claw lift now doesn't get culled when looking at it from a certain angle

- Removed floating sink on downstairs bathroom

- Added hover sound and style to settings category buttons

- S.A.M.S Device in 019 containment chamber is no longer visible through the camera until the body pull event inside the vent happens 

- The lift call buttons no longer occlude sound

- Getting off forklift while the accelerating sound plays no longer breaks the accelerating sound cooldown

- Letting go of power cells in the claw lift no longer flings the power cells forward

- Break one of the mirrors and remove that planar reflection volume

- Screwdriver item now has larger glowing radius and is slightly bigger

- Inventory up and down arrow now get deactivated when all the way up or down

- Move right and left footstep sound is properly timed now

- Player footsteps now spawn attached

- Pressing 1-9 no longer switches to that inventory slot as it doesn't exist

- When a prop you're holding is too far away from the player, it gets dropped automatically

- Elevator doors now push you away when standing in-between them when they close

- Intro cutscene voice lines now immediately stop after skipping cutscene 

- Putting the leaver into the gate slot now properly re-equips your previously held weapon

- Fixed bug that caused guns to lose all ammunition when dropped

- Inventory now properly updated after dropping an item

- Letting go of a physics prop no longer lets you fling it

- Fixed issue that caused gun to empty even when reload fails (e.g. when you have no ammo to reload with)

- Pressing escape on confirmation screens (e.g. "Are you sure you want to quit to menu?") now quit out of that window instead of closing the pause menu

- Claw lift no longer pushes away zombies when holding power cell and properly rolls over them now

- The downstairs vent now has rocks where there used to just be invisible walls to make it more apparent that you can't go up there

- Propane tank is now more heavy

- Fixed bugs that caused player model animations in reflections to be inaccurate


BrokenGod Demo v1.2 219 MB
Nov 02, 2024

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